Elders Of Movement Church

Hope For Movement Church

I hope to be part of a body of believers who know God is the treasure, are excited to see one another, and are reaching out to the neighbors that they encounter every day. They understand they can love only because God loves them.

Life Story

I’m a Hendersonville native. Born at Hendersonville Hospital. Yes, that did happen once. I was raised going to church. I was a regular attender 9 months before I was born. I don’t want to downplay the effect that had, but my adult Christian life was formed while serving in youth camp ministry in east TN. That is where I learned about living in a community with other believers. After camp, I taught high school for 5 years. I found that I enjoy teaching and learning with others no matter where I am. 
Later when my wife and I moved back to Hendersonville we felt compelled to find a community like we had serving in camp ministry. We found a small group that really influenced our lives and shined a light by living the gospel. Being in that group renewed our belief in leading by example. There were several people and couples that we still look up to.
Sometimes you don’t know how those moments will shape your life. That small group led us to visit Movement Church. After that, we never looked back. My family has grown at Movement Church. Both spiritually and physically, since we adopted our daughter while here. We are being constantly pruned and supported by this body of believers to become more lovely for our savior, Jesus Christ.